Experience Terms And Conditions

Last updated: July 19, 2022

The following terms and conditions (“Terms”) apply to all retail and monetization opportunities available to those who hold Access Keys representing rights of distribution and retail for physical goods or a right to receive LikoCoins. The Access Keys can represent a license for retail distribution of Liko merchandise or the benefit of receiving passive income through LikoCoins (the “Experiences”).

By redeeming or participating in an Experience, you acknowledge your understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions and agree that any benefit derived is conditioned upon your agreement and adherence to these Terms, any future terms and, the conditions applicable to the Experiences, and any instructions given to you by Liko with respect to any Experience.

We’re so excited to invite you to join our family and start this amazing journey of building your business. By being part of a sustainable growing brand and a community of the new generation entrepreneurs, we will create, together, a businesses made for success!

What are Liko Keys

First, we want to make sure you understand the true value of the Access Keys you’ll be getting. All of our Access Keys are made as unique NFTs. However, Liko’s NFTs have more to offer than just artistic value. They also hold financial business value by allowing Access to exclusive retailing distribution rights of physical goods in the real world. We will literally grow together from the inner circle of the virtual world, into the physical world.

Alternatively, the Access Keys may represent a right to benefit from a passive income derived from the company’s profits, without having to actively participate in anything other than holding Passive Investor Keys. The rights and benefits you’ll get in our company will depend on the type of Access Keys you’ll choose to have from either of the 3 categories available.

Access to Essential Keys

Our first key to success is: Access. Liko’s point of view is that giving access to everyone involved from day one is crucial! We want you to be able to be part, to make an impact, to sell, distribute and most importantly- earn money from real businesses you’re involved in.

July 17th, 2022 – Is on the House. 3,500 Access Keys will be provided for FREE! you’ll be able to mint them on the Liko website or buy them on the secondary market. These Access Keys are ESSENTIAL Keys, therefore you need to make sure you get at least one of them! In order to unlock any of the Access Keys in the categories below, we’ll need you to provide us with one of those free Access Keys as well. We’ll then merge this Access Key with an Access Key from one of the below categories, creating one special Key that will hold its corresponding contractual rights. In other words, the merged special Key will determine your involvement in Liko.

Our second key to success is: Freedom to operate. Other than full access, you will also enjoy the freedom to operate in the company business. In the short run, this fundamental value will allow the entire community to be involved in more than one business. In other words, you will be able to take part in as many business opportunities as you like. In the long run, we believe this approach will also make us the most successful business people of our time. Exciting, isn’t it? “Don’t Be Afraid to Dream Bigger, Darling”.

We invite you to communicate with our team and investigate if you too share our vision of creating a global revolutionary brand. If you believe your own private dreams and goals can be combined with ours to reach for something greater, then go and get your own Access Keys to join the Liko business revolution.

Types of Access Keys

Liko has created 3 categories of Access Keys for you to enjoy and immerse yourself into the Liko Experience.

1.Passive investor Access Key:

We've created 800 Passive Investor Keys that will allow its holders Access to become passive investors in our company. Once this key is unlocked, you’ll receive 1,111 LikoCoins plus 33 coins per day for 1,500 days! The LikoCoin starting value on Uniswap will be $0.01.

These LikoCoins will have 2 main utilities:

a.Access to physical items and future Access Keys, exclusively available through LikoCoins and;

b.Liko will have monthly buybacks of the LikoCoin derived from the market:

i.30% from all Access Keys sales income

ii.5% from the Access Keys volume trade

iii.30% of Liko’s net profit

2.Fashion Access Key:

We've created 800 Fashion Access Keys that allow its holders the Access to become a distributor and retailer of Liko’s fashion products (“license for retail distribution”). Owners can use their online or offline channels and enjoy the company’s support in marketing and brand awareness! In addition to Liko’s Fashion license for retail distribution, you’ll also receive one Limited Edition T-shirt, made especially for our retailer's community.

3.Physical Dolls and Merchandise Access Key:

Additional 800 Access Keys for Physical Dolls and Merchandise will allow holders the Access to become a distributor and obtain a license for retail distribution of Liko Doll and other Liko Merchandise. Owners can use their online or offline channels and enjoy the company’s support in marketing and brand awareness!

Rights and Licenses

General use. You Own the NFT. Each of the Liko NFTs is a limited-edition digital asset based upon content subject to trademarks, copyright and/or intellectual property by Liko. Unless otherwise specified, your purchase of a Passive Investment Access Key grants you a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to use, copy, and display the Art for any Liko NFT you may own.

If you wish to deepen your involvement with Liko, different rights of use will apply to Fashion Access Key and the Physical Dolls and Merchandise Access Key. These Fashion Access Key and Physical Dolls and Merchandise Access Key give you the right to commercialize the NFT by publicly displaying, performing, distributing, selling, or otherwise reproducing the Liko NFT or its content for commercial purposes as stated in these Terms (“Commercial Use”).

You further agree that you are not receiving any copyright interest in the Liko NFTs or its content, and indeed, you agree that Liko may sell, license, modify, display, broadcast, and create derivative works based upon your Liko NFT or its content. Any unauthorized commercial exploitation of the Liko NFT could subject you to claims of copyright infringement.

License for retail distribution. Subject to your continued compliance with these Terms, as a holder of either a Fashion Access Key or a Physical Dolls and Merchandise Access Key, you will be granted a limited, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable retail license to distribute, use, copy, and display the Art for your Liko NFT. In turn, you will be allowed to act as a wholesaler for Liko merchandise. As part of the Creativity Program, Liko retailers will have the Access to propose Liko Art designs for commercial use subject to approval by Liko.

Intellectual Property. No Intellectual Property or copyrights will be granted over any Liko NFTs. Any commercial rights will be limited to a retail license for the Liko Art subject to Liko’s Terms of Service and the present Terms. Liko owns all legal rights, title and interest in and to all other elements of the Liko NFT Art including but not limited to its Art, designs, systems, methods, information, computer code, software, services, “look and feel”, organization, compilation of the content, code or, data.

You acknowledge that the Liko Materials are protected by copyright, trade dress, patent, and trademark laws, international conventions, other relevant intellectual property and proprietary rights, and applicable laws and are the property of Liko.

Creativity Program

Liko will initiate a creativity program for all retailers where they can use their imagination and propose derivative designs subject to Liko’s approval. Liko will then choose 2-3 qualifying designs and have a limited edition product available to distribute on a quarterly basis.


You agree that you may not, nor permit any third party to do or attempt to do any of the foregoing without Liko’s express prior written consent in each case: (i) modify the Art for your Liko NFT in any way, including, without limitation, the shapes, designs, drawings, attributes, or color schemes (your use of Extensions will not constitute a prohibited modification hereunder); (ii) use the Art for your Liko NFT to advertise, market, or sell any third party product or service; (iii) use the Art for your Liko NFT in connection with images, videos, or other forms of media that depict hatred, intolerance, violence, cruelty, or anything else that could reasonably be found to constitute hate speech or otherwise infringe upon the rights of others; (iv) use the Art for your Liko NFT in movies, videos, or any other forms of media, except to the limited extent that such use is expressly permitted in these Terms or solely for your own personal, non-commercial use; (v) sell, distribute for commercial gain (including, without limitation, giving away in the hopes of eventual commercial gain), or otherwise commercialize merchandise that includes, contains, or consists of the Art for your Liko NFT, except as expressly permitted in these Terms; (vi) attempt to trademark, copyright, or otherwise acquire additional intellectual property rights in or to the Art for your Liko NFT; or (vii) otherwise utilize the Art for your Liko NFT for your or any third party’s commercial benefit and, (viii) to the extent that Liko informs you of such additional restrictions in writing (email is permissible), you will be responsible for complying with all such restrictions from the date that you receive the notice, and that failure to do so will be deemed a breach of this license. The restrictions in this Section will survive the expiration or termination of these Terms.

License Limitations

The license granted for retail distribution applies only to the extent that you continue to Own the applicable Liko NFT. If at any time you sell, trade, donate, give away, transfer, or otherwise dispose of your Liko NFT for any reason, the license granted herein will immediately expire with respect to that Liko NFT without the requirement of notice, and you will have no further rights in or to the Art for that Liko NFT. If you are in breach of these Terms, you must send an email to legal@likoverse.com within 15 days with the subject line “Liko NFT License – Commercial Use” and request a discussion with Liko regarding obtaining an exception (which may be granted or withheld in Liko’s sole and absolute discretion). If you exceed the scope of the license granted herein with or obtaining an exemption from Liko, you acknowledge and agree that: (i) you are in breach of these Terms; (ii) in addition to any remedies that may be available to Liko at law or in equity, Liko may immediately terminate the license that was granted to you herein, without notice; and (iii) you will be responsible for reimbursing Liko for any costs and expenses incurred by Liko during the course of enforcing these Terms against you.


You agree to hold harmless and indemnify Liko and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, employees, advertisers, licensors, suppliers or partners from and against any claim, liability, loss, damage (actual and consequential) of any kind or nature, suit, judgment, litigation cost, and attorneys' fees arising out of or in any way related to (i) your breach of these Terms, or (ii) your violation of applicable laws, rules or regulations in connection with the Liko Art. You agree that Liko will have control of the defense or settlement of any such claims.

Changes to the terms

We may make changes to the Terms from time to time. When we make changes, we will make the updated Terms available on the “Last Updated” date at the beginning of these Terms accordingly. Please check these Terms periodically for changes. Any changes to the Terms will apply on the date that they are made and your continued access to the Terms will constitute your binding acceptance of the updates. If you do not agree to any revised Terms, you may not continue your use with any of the Access Keys for the Liko NFTs.